Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Will Worship

♪♫  God You are God even when I don't feel You
       God You are God even when I don't see You
          I Will Worship   I Will Worship
     God You are God when it feels like I'm falling
     God You are God beyond my understanding
        I Will Worship  I Will Worship ♪♫

This song has been a favorite song of my for quite a while.  It came across my social media feed at exactly the time that I needed it.  Coincidence?  No, that is just like the Heavenly Father to send you what you need to encourage and lift you up, right at the moment that you need it.  And most of the time it will come from a direction that you completely didn't expect it to come from.

All of this time, that I have been saying over and over about how much the Lord loves you, have not just been words to fill up a page.  I say it over and over again because its true.  God loves you with an everlasting love.  And when the days come that things just dosen't seem right or that He is even there; in those times step up anyway and declare that He is God and that He will see you through all things.  To dare to believe in His faithfulness even though it seems that He's not there; that declaration of what you know is the very thing that will bring you victory in your situations, and usher in His Presence through all of the "haze" of those times. 

I just want you to know that if you are walking through one of those situations right now, you are not alone.  He is right there.  Sometimes the situations around you somehow seem bigger than He is. Or maybe closer than He is.  But I am here to declare that it is not true.  Believe and speak His name, declare His goodness and who He is to you, and you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit move in right there beside you. 

This song has been a life line in times that I have needed it.  And I pray that it blesses you too.
Be Encouraged!!  God who is your Heavenly Father, loves you and cares for you.... Proclaim it today in your own life and see what He will do !

Blessings Friend, Have a Great Day!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why Worry?

Worry.  One of the most common strong holds that will keep us knotted up.  One of the quickest  ways to wear out our hearts physically, and one of the very things that Jesus told us not to do in His Sermon on the Mount. Why do we do it? First, Let's read part of His sermon below.

Matthew 6: 25- 34 NIV

Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?        

 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?                           

 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 
29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 
30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear? 
32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 
33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

In the KJV, verse 28 is even more specific and says the "Lily of the field"  Lilies, like many other flowers, are very beautiful and its life (blooming) span is only about 24 hrs.  Why mention that?  Life is fleeting.  As short of span in time that 24 hrs may be, our time on this earth is just as short, especially to God.  The Bible says that with God, a thousand years is as a day.  So if He spent more time planning our time and purpose on this world, and only spoke the flowers into existence, why would they be so beautiful and taken care of and yet we honestly have a hard time trusting God with the situations that are before us?

We, from a christian stand point as well as just being human, have the habit of believing that God will take care of some things, then completely fall apart when a situation will present itself  in front of us.   All have done this at some level at one time or another. We could let the situation play over and over in our mind, of every scenario imaginable happening, producing more and more anxiety.  This is one of those situations that is not grey.  Friend, the truth is either we trust the Father and take Him at His Word, or we don't.  But hold on. Don't loose hope!!

God already knew this about us.  He did create us after all. That is why He keeps giving us opportunity to LEARN to trust Him.  That's why He said that the faith of a mustard seed is our portion in the beginning, but the matter of our faith growing, is up to us.  

When in one situation in our lives, God works things out for us, we Thank Him. And when the next situation comes along, we should remember that He was there last time,  He will be here with me this time.... The more this happens, our faith will grow each time.  Repetition will tell us that God is always there, and He will work all things out for our good. 

As wonderful as this is, we must remember that it is always up to us, in every situation, to remember that God was always there and know His promises are true, which comes from reading His word....... He will never leave us or forsake us and will comfort us when times of trouble come. 

My friend, He is waiting on you, wherever you are. Trust Him.  Dare to learn to trust Him more than you ever have.  He is our Heavenly Father, and He sent the Holy Spirit to guide us.  Dare to believe in Him, He will never let you down.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank You for who You are in my life.  I thank You for the one who is reading this now thinking, "I wish that I could trust like this".  I thank You for Your Presence enveloping them, letting them know that You are there with them. You see everything that they are going through, and You alone hold their answers. Give them the courage to trust You like never before.  Show them that Your Word is Life to us, sustaining and thriving.  You are always enough, and always relevant to our situations, everyday. 
Father, remind them again, that they are not alone, and if they can trust you just one more time, they will see you show your Glory in their lives.  They will remember that You ARE God. Your Love for us is unfailing.  I thank You that You will work all things out for our good, and Your glory.  In all of our situations, may You be Glorified in the all the earth.

I ask all of this, in Your Name Believing,  Amen.

Give it another try, He is there waiting on you!
Blessings friends, Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Psalms 139 Conclusion

Good Morning!

Before we go to Ps. 139, let's read for a moment, Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) :

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We must always know, or search through prayer until we understand, what God means in His Word; not letting it become ammunition used against another person in the situations that we encounter in our own lives. Let me show you what I mean.  Psalms 139:19-22 says this:

19 O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
Get out of my life, you murderers!
20 They blaspheme you;
your enemies misuse your name.
21 O Lord, shouldn’t I hate those who hate you?
Shouldn’t I despise those who oppose you?
22 Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
for your enemies are my enemies

Knowing that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood" means the people around us are not our enemies.  There may be confrontation from time to time; in the work place, people we know, and even people in the church or family.  But we are never to look at them as they are our enemies, or God's, for that matter.  Jesus came that we might ALL be saved.  Though not all will choose salvation, God's desire for that to happen and His provision are in place. Who or what is this enemy referred to?  It is the principalities, powers, or rulers of darkness that are against God.  We tend to shift our focus off of the big picture, and put a person's face to the problem. The war is with the spirit that drives hatred, rage, murder, addictions, pornography,  the sex slave trade arena, a thirst for power, and the list goes on.

There is always a reason why confrontation exists...... and we need to remember that God doesn't cause confrontation but, He will use it like any other road block in our lives, to work out the plan that He has in our life. The last verses of this Psalm, shows us how to pray, as often as needed.


Psalms 139: 23-24 (NLT)
23 Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
24 Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life 

I have prayed this. Actually, I have prayed it many times. And this I know for sure, the word of God will always be what it needs to be in our situation now and not just in our situations past.  The word is alive and present in everything that we go through, everytime.  Mercy, Grace and God's Love doesn't run out on us, it is always there, and it is us who makes the decision to recieve it. If you would, let's walk out this prayer. 

Search me, O God, - I am coming to you about my faults, and not someone elses. 
and know my heart - Inspect my heart, thoughts and intentions.
test me and know my anxious thoughts - Try my thoughts and intentions and see if they are of you. Take my fears and regrets, I can't carry them anymore.  You offered to take this away, if I am willing to give them up.  Here they are Lord, I lay them down and surrender to your ways.
Point out anything in me that offends you - Keep me on the wheel Oh God, show me the things  that are not like you or your ways.  Create in me a clean heart and make me more like you.
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.-  Guide me through this life, that it may end with eternal life with you.  In Jesus Name  Amen.

I pray that through Psalms 139 it shows the reality that our relationship with our  Heavenly Father really is a journey.  And it's a journey that is worth it!  Keep learning to trust in Him. The benefits brings peace and contentment that none can compare!

 Blessings to you, have a great friends!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Psalms 139 Part 3


When Psalms 139 was first in my spirit, I thought that I was just going to write about a couple of different sections because the end of the chapter was what I originally had on my mind.  But as I began writing, I heard the Father ask me, " Did I ask you to skip over any of it?" So since the last entry was about asking God about a decision first, I took some time to listen to what He had to say. So let's look at the next set of verses. (insert a smile).
(NLT Version)
13 You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.
15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.
16 You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out
before a single day had passed.
17 How precious are your thoughts about me,[b] O God.
They cannot be numbered!
18 I can’t even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!
This section of text, describes the depth of love the Father has for us, and how completely miraculous it is!  If the Father put this much effort and attention to our beginning,  How much more do you think God cares for our future?  It seems to me that my life could not be in better hands.  

On days when it seems like things are not going so well, remember verse 16 were it says:
You saw me before I was born.  Every day of my life was recorded in your book. 
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. 

So on these days that things are not going so well, remember that God is not surprized or dismayed.  He doesn't sit on His throne in Heaven, running His fingers through His hair thinking: What are they doing?  Just because we find ourselves surprized at some of the things we do or mistakes we make, it doesn't change that God knows, sees and still loves us with an everlasting love; and still has a plan for us.  So I challenge you to do the same thing that we all have to do from time to time.  When we find our selves in any situation in life, no matter what it is, run to the Father. Tell Him what "it" is and ask Him to help you since we know that He is the only one who holds our answers. He is our Refuge.  Trust Him and know that His word is true, and that He will work all things out for our good and His glory. Please pray this with me if you would like.

Dear Heavenly Father:
I praise you this morning for your grace, love and mercy upon my life. "How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.  They can not be numbered." You amaze me everyday, and in your presence I find my only source of strength.  I thank you for taking my mistakes, and turning them into a testimony of your goodness and love.  You amaze me at the unfailing love that you give me each day, and your mercies are new every morning.  Please take my life and form me into the vessel of your love that you have designed for me to be.  I praise you and thank you for every blessing that is in my life, great and small.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

Well, I pray that this is a blessing to you today, and I hope that it is okay with you that we still have more of this chapter for go before we finish it.  Put your Hope and Trust in  Abba Father.  He never fails us !

Have a great day Friend!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Psalms 139 Part 2

This prayer above is the essence of what the next segment of verses is saying. What we should be praying. Let's take a look at what chapter 139 says next.

Psalms 139: 7-12
7 I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from your presence!
8 If I go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
9 If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
and your strength will support me.
11 I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night—
12 but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

What an opening statement for this entry!!  The author of this Psalm is not only being transparent to God about reconizing who He is, but also that from his life experiences, the psalmist has wanted or even tried to run.  Have you ever been there?  Have you ever had something happen in your life to where you thought that it was better to quit.... maybe it seemed like the right thing to do, or maybe you thought you would just feel better if you ran away, or get away from that situation?  Friend, let me declare first and foremost, that running from a situation is never the answer.  All that happens when we run, is that we will end up in a place where we will deal with the same or similar situation, thus giving us an opportunity to make the correct choice this time around. 

I remember a time when I have made statements like, "I don't ever want to deal with this again!"
Of course, I meant it when I said it, but did I make the decisions or take the appropriate measures needed to insure that I would not go through that again?  For example, more often than we care to admit it, we have this vision in our heads of the perfect person for us; who it is that we want to spend the rest of our lives with.  How often is God at the center of these types of decisions?

In any situation in our lives, there are some things that we are to do, or we can expect a problem.  The Psalmist is saying, "no matter where I go, you are there" And oh how true it is! so with this knowledge, what is the first thing that we should do, in making a decision?  If He is the one that is always there, shouldn't we get His take on the situation?  Since His word is our guideline, when we are reading His word, we should be looking for answers to the issues of life.  He should never be left out of the equation.

God must be in the center of  EVERY decision that is put before us, in all situations.  His Word, The Word of God, must be the guideline of every thought process that we have. The Holy Spirit must be the guide that helps us search out God's will for our lives while we are reading and seeking God's plan for our lives.  I pray with all of my heart and soul that we understand how vital this is.  And it is not hard to do, except that we are used to acting upon a situation according to what we think and feel.  Now that last part doesn't sound bad, but if what we think or feel is not in complete harmony and obedience to what God is saying in His Word, then we make mistakes even when our intensions are good.

I implore you.  Ask your Heavenly Father to guide you by the Holy Spirit to the Word of God which has our answers for every situation.  In prayer time, ask God for Him to reveal what it is that He has for you in this season of your life, and confirm it through His word, and by direction of the Holy Spirit. Please do not run from Him, but run to Him. 

Our Heavenly Father will always see you through every situation in your life. Trust in Him! He is right there with you!

Have a great day Friends !!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Psalms 139 Part 1

Good Morning!
This entry is actually going to be split into three entries.... The book of Psalms in the Bible has so many verses and choruses for every situation that we could ever find ourselves in.  Every type of emotion that we have felt in our lives, have been expressed in the Psalms.  It can be quite amazing to search it all out.  The verses of the song above are taken from the chaper below, and shows the expression of knowlege of the truth; How transparent we should be with God, and how He is with us, when we let Him in the inner most part of our heart.

In this set of entries, lets focus on three sections of Psalms 139. 
It's amazing how well God knows us, and how easily we forget that He does.  Let's take a look at :

Psalm 139:1-6 NLT
1 O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
2 You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.
3 You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
4 You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
5 You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!

Oh how amazing it is to have a Heavenly Father who does know us so well, that He knows what we think, and what we will say, even before we do. This amazes me in the fact that in all of my flaws, mistakes and even my thoughts, God knows me, loves me and calls me his child despite these imperfections!  And it is the same for us all.  There are no big "I"s or little "u"s in the kingdom of Heaven.  When we except Christ as our Savior, the one who sacrificed Himself for our freedom from a sinful nature and gave us eternal life, we became Heirs with Christ.  I am not sure how you feel about this, but I stay completely amazed that God would love me enough to send Christ to be the sacrifice for all of my imperfections, and give me the opportunity for not only a better life on this earth, but an eternal one as well. 

Let's take a look at verse 5.
"You go before me and follow me.
  You place your hand of blessing on my head".....

When we are going through situations in our lives, we can know that God knows it all, He is before us and behind us [He has us Covered] and He puts His hand of blessing upon us!!!!  Just picture that in your mind for a moment, The Heavenly Father gently laying his hand upon your head, blessing you.... Isn't that amazing!

The Lord has such a love for us, His children, that we can not fully comprehend.  Imagine the greatest expression of love that you can  possibly give and multiply that times infinity!!! It's hard to grasp this concept.  Nevertheless it is truth, so do not spend another day without knowing that you know, that you know, that you know: That God has us taken care of in every situation in our lives.  Nothing gets past him, nothing catches Him off guard.  He is our Father, and He has a plan for your life.  All we have to do is trust Him.
 Keep trusting Him and learn to trust Him more; He loves you, cares for you and has a plan for your life!  In the end of each situation, you will be amazed in what He can do in spite of our mistakes!  I'll meet you here tomorrow for part 2.... Be blessed friends!

Monday, October 1, 2012

What Is Your Altar For?

A Friend on a Social Media site made a comment that has resignated inside of my spirit the more that the day goes on, and I feel compelled to share it and expand on it with his blessing.

He Stated:
The day must return that we reverence and keep it holy and not allow any and everything to parade on the Altar! #placeofSacrifice #soIStudy - David Brinson

There are churches that have altars but they are spiritual "relics" of what used to be in the church (praying, seeking God corporately) and are not used but for decoration or appearance. Then there are churches that do not have physical "altars" up front, but you find the congregation up front seeking the face of God in these times that we are all living in. 
Do not only rely on the altar of the church to be the only place you pray. The Altar of Sacrafice is where we submit our lives daily to the cause of Christ. It's our meeting place with God. And for heaven's sake the Bible tells us do not follow every wind of doctrine. Guard your Altars!!!

The Altar in a church building can not be the only place that we pray.  A few entries back, one is entitled: Never Let Your Fire Go Out.  Ever since that entry, that scripture in Leviticus 6:13 has come
up to me over and over again.  It is astoundingly important because it is a place where God Himself instructed us through the experience of the children of Israel, to never let our fire go out, never let our prayers and praise dry up!  In that time they had to offer up actual sacrifices to God. But Christ came to save us and free us! Now our sacrifices are the prayers that we pray and the praises that we sing! It will renew us, refresh us, and remind us that we are a child of the Most High God! There is no other like Him, and there is no other who will love us more! It is the life line to our strength, our joy, our answers to questions and problems that we face, and will in turn answer us through our communion with Him and the Word that He gave us. The Bible is the only book that is alive! It really does hold our instruction and solution to the life that we live. For all of us! There is no exception.

We are the children of the Heavenly Father.  The Bible says that we are a royal priesthood, a holy nation. (1Peter 2:9) Our passion for a closer relationship with the Father, will keep our focus on Him, and not what others are doing. In another way of saying it, if our focus is on a relationship with the Father, then our experiences in life will be opportunities to grow and experience His goodness in our daily lives.

The Altar in our lives, must be a cherished place where you find our Heavenly Father EVERY time you call on His Name.  The great revelation in this is that He is ALWAYS there.  Seek out His plan for your life, you will never regret it !!!

Blessings Friend.... Have a great day !! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Have You Ever Had Days Like This?

Have you ever been in the place Spiritually that this picture portrays?  Have you struggled, worked and worked to do your best in a situation, and still seemed to be in the place where this adorable example depicts?  Granted, during these times, it wasn't this cute or even remotely funny! (insert a grin)

How do we get here?  How does it this seem to happen?  I have asked myself these questions many times while in the middle of these situations in my life.  I found myself asking God why, when the things that I wanted wholeheartedly to do for Him, just wouldn't seem to ever work out.  I knew enough to examine my motives and even they seemed to be right, so what was the problem?

I have learned over time that our biggest battle within ourselves isn't having a heart after God, we generally want to be in His presence, always be ready for the next assignment (or so we think).
The mistake that we sometimes make, can be out of more than one scenario.
Sometimes God will give a glimpse of what He has for the future; and maybe we try to make it happen, instead of waiting on God to help us walk out the path where He will prepare us
for that time and place. Maybe it would just be something that we honestly want to do for God but He actually never  said, "This is what I want you to do." Sometimes we see something that is a good thing and we want to do that, for Him.
Either way, we would be like a football player, grab it and go!  Wholeheartedly. Really wanting to please God, but then that is where things begin to be out of alignment.

There is plenty of reason to stop right here for a moment.  God wants to teach us many things about this time in our life. And there was for me, more than one lesson to learn.

We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, but we will always need His direction first!  In every situation in our lives, God will present the opportunity for us to self evaluate.  Hear are some questions we should ask ourselves:
  • Did the Father instruct me or open the door for me to do this, or is this just something that I want to do? Just because it is a good thing, doesn't mean that God intended us to go in that direction.  It must be Him that sends us !
  • Is my struggle because I am trying to make this happen or is it opposition? There is a huge difference between struggle (making it happen) or opposition (hurdles).  When we do not listen for wisdom before we act, we will struggle until we get to the place that we can hear the Father say wait... wait..... I didn't want you to do that, I want you to be here with me..... 
  • It is always harder without Him than it will be with Him !! That I can declare with confidence.  We always need to want to be where the Father wants us, even if it's on the wheel shaping us into the vessel He needs for such a time as this.. He always has the best planned for us.  We must trust Him !!
  • I am doing what God has called me to do, but I am getting ahead of Him, instead of waiting for His direction?  The same rule applies.  We Must Wait upon the Father! We must daily seek out His will for us .
  • Am I staying in His presence which is our protection and covering? Sometimes we keep going and we say, "I don't hear Him instructing me....."  But when we stop, we can realize that we aren't seeking Him and "walk on away a little bit"  Thankfully this a problem with an easy solution!
We can always come right back to the Father and ask Him to forgive us and He will begin to direct our paths again..... We just need to be mindful daily, that we are following Christ.  Wanting to be in the Father's presence and His will for us!!  He is always there, His mercies are new every morning.
Oh how grateful I am that He never gives up on me, and He will never give up on you either!! 

He is waiting on us in the Secret Place of His Presence..... There, all things are made new.
Blessings friends, Have a great day !!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Where Are We Safe?

Recently I have had many prayer request from friends and people that I know from all different areas and walks of life.  Prayer has always been a huge part of my walk with God.  Most things that I have learned in my relationship with Him, I have learned in reading the word and prayer.  Even though prayer is a passion of mine,  I am not any more unique or special to the Father than anyone else.  Just because I have those who will ask me to pray for them in my prayer time, doesn't mean that God hears my prayers anymore than yours. Why? Because God has called us all to prayer. This is how He has designed for us to learn from Him. Think of that: learn from HIM!  I think that it is amazing that God wants to teach us Himself! So how important are you? Very Important !!

So I would be honored if you will walk with me though a passage of scripture. Now mind you that I am nothing special.  God will teach you exactly the way that He wants to teach you when you lend your ear to Him. But I would like to walk you through what He has showed me, and I have prayed this samething many times over my own life and the lives of my loved ones.  As the picture above quotes Psalms 91:1 lets look at this chapter more closely.

What I have done for many years is to pray this scripture when I read it. I pray it in the 1st person context. Ps 91:1  "When I dwell in the secret place of the Most High, I shall abide in the Shadow of the Almighty. (2) I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him will I trust. (3) Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
     [  Look at this image.... He really covers us! No wonder God used this metaphor to help us understand His protection ! ]
 Vs 4: You shall cover me with your feathers and under your wings I will trust; Your truth is my sheild and buckler.....      Isn't it awesome !!  We can have the assurance that no matter what is going on in our life, That God doesn't just watch out for us or over us, but we are actually safe under His wings or arms.  When I was little, there was no other place that was more assuring than sitting up under the arm of my dad or grandfather. God wants us to feel just like that!  God is our sheild and buckler.

 Vs5: I will not be afraid of the terror by night; nor the arrows that fly by day; (6) Nor the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor the destruction that wasteth at noonday; (7) A thousand shall fall at my side and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not touch me.

We have the assurance that no matter what may try to overtake us, we have a Heavenly Father who is always there to protect us and guide us, as long as we are willing to follow Him!!

Vs 8 Only with your eyes shall you see the reward of the wicked.....
 It is hard for us as humans to remember that we not to want to see destruction of a person, God loves us all and sent His son Christ Jesus for us all, but if/when judgement comes, it will be in God's timing, not ours.

Vs 9 Because I have made the LORD, who is my refuge and even the Most High my habitation,
(10) There shall no evil befall me, neither shall any plague come nigh my dwelling.

Vs11 For You(God) will give your angels charge over me, to keep me in all my ways.

Vs 12 They shall hold me up in their hands, lest I dash my foot against a stone.

Vs13 (Because of you oh God) I will tread upon the lion and the adder(cobra) the young lion and the dragon(serpent) shall I trample under my feet.

Vs14 Because I set (focused) my love upon you, you will deliver me; You will set me on high, because you know my name.

How much more provision could we possibly need!! 
Our freedom and authority of who we are in Christ will happen when the truth in this scripture becomes real to us!!!

Notice that the picture above used the pouring of water as a symbol of Holy Spirit Moving, it can also show us pouring our love out on the Father.  I believe that this is an extremely important truth.  Remember in the last entry, that water is a symbol of the Word of God.  So this reminds us that when we want to grow closer to God, and we often times do not know what to pray.  When we pray the scripture like we are right now, reminding God of what He has promised us; We are actually pouring words of faith back to God which is pouring our love back over Him as He has poured or given these words to us!!!  This is one of the most mind blowing realizations that I came to in my walk with Christ!!!!  No one taught me this..... God Himself, taught me, and He will teach you as well. We just have to make ourselves available to Him!!  I wish that you could be sitting here with me right now and know the joy that is in my spirit.
To have the honor of proclaiming HIS truth that You are so special to Him..... He has made provision for you. Look below, if you do not believe me :)                                                                

Vs. 15 I will call upon you (God) and you will answer me: You will be with me in trouble; You will deliver me and honor me. (16) with long life you will satisfy me and show me your salvation.

Oh how our Heavenly Father loves and cares for us!  I pray that this scripture gets way down in your spirit and blesses you today!

 I pray that you continue this journey of getting to know the Father as we walk with Him!!

Blessings to you my friend!! Have a great day !!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why & What Are You Seeking

How many times have we as christians spent a lot of our prayer life asking God to show us what it is that He wants to do in our lives?  Honestly, I can unfortunately say, a lot.  Now I realize that this is good thing to ask, but if we take a minute to evaluate our time in prayer, we will not only realize that we spend more time speaking(petitioning) than we do listening; but also that we are asking the same things over and over when our answers are in the Word. 

It's hard to for us to reconize sometimes that we want to know what God has in store for us; and if we know these things in advance, then we have by-passed our faith. But the word says that without faith it is impossible to please the Father.(Hebrews 11:6) He wants a relationship with us but as for all relationships, without trust, you have an accquaintance.  Our Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be an acquaintance.

I can speak from experience that when we are learning to pray or even deepening our relationship with Him; in the process of "seeking His will" for our lives, we spend more time "seeking" than "Being".  What do I mean by that?  I'm glad you asked!  For instance, when we except Christ as our Savior and begin this journey of life that we are always talking about, and we feel a call on our lives to do something for the Kingdom; this is a good thing.  This isn't just for those who will be nationally known and more, it is for us all. We all should feel this burning instinct inside of us like there is something that we must do. And even though we ask God to show us and guide us, we do not wait until we get the epiphany of our purpose for this life.

  In Matthew chapters  5-7, We not only have the "Sermon on the Mount" but direct instructions on how to live our daily lives.  If we are being His hands and feet, then we are being the Heavenly Father extended to others that we come in contact with.  What greater prupose could we have?  Showing God's love to others while being Him extended is the one most important opportunities that we should never pass up!  When we do this, we are a vessel that God can work through.

Just like the glass pictured above, when we fill ourselves up with His word, His love, and His purpose daily; we will, like the glass, be overflowing with Him and it will spill over onto others.  The picture above is representing the overflow of Christ to the world through us "the vessel", but water is also a symbol for the Word of God.  So why would we look for our purpose any where else but His Word?

He has a plan for us all, I promise.  And when we continually show Christ to the world, instead of wondering what we are meant to do, God will expand our territory and we will walk/step into what it is He has plan for us. 

He never leaves or forsakes us. He will make our crooked paths straight! Why? Because He is our Heavenly Father.

Have a great day friends! Blessings to you !

Friday, August 24, 2012

Where Are You Setting Up Your Couch

Life will have us in many seasons.  They are seasons of growing, stretching, waiting, moving, prospering, harvest, sowing and so on.  There are many seasons we will experience in our lives and the only sure thing you can count on is that there will be another season coming soon, and the season that we are in now, prepares us for the next.   There should always be a "moving mentality"(not stagnant) in a child of the Father, for He is always moving.   He never needs or takes a vacation from our situations, although I am thankful that He will give us one every once in a while.  And just on a side note, the more time we spend with Him, the less time that we feel the need to "get away" from our situations.  Just sayin'.

I know that the mental image that I just spoke of can be exhausting, just to think about it, but for a moment just think about it. Our experience in this life is always referred to by the phrase, "Christian Walk" or "Spiritual Journey".  Even, the name of this blog is "Walking With The Father".  So why in this walk do we get connected to a church, and go on this journey with the Father; do we expect to get into a routine where we do the same thing over and over, week after week.  And why when God wants to do something in us, or through us, our apple cart is completely over turned? There is nothing in God's Word which tells us that in any part of the journey, that we are to sit by and do nothing.  Even in the waiting seasons that we go through, He tells us to be still and Know that He is God.  But time in prayer goes before during and after.  So when is there a time to "want" to just coast through any situation?

My thought came to me when I was thinking about the children of Israel in the desert.  How many times have we, while going through wilderness experiences, set up a living room to get comfortable in? Maybe Expecting to stay?  I don't know if you know it or not, but there is a song that came out a long time ago called "It Didn't Come To Stay, It Came To Pass"  And since my family is in a state of waiting on the Lord, for what He has next for us, how would it look to God if I set up a couple of chairs, a couch, and a couple of end tables outside and said, "Ok God,  I'm comfortable,What do you have next?"

I mean really, what kind of faith is that?  Sure it means that I'm talking to Him, I know that He is there.  But did God tell me to create a nest in the middle of my wilderness to show that I am expecting for Him to open a door!?!

This is not what Paul had in mind when He said in Philippians 4:10-12, that in all things that He had learned to be content.  Please my friend, do not make the mistake that learning to be content means the same as setting up house somewhere that God only wants us to be temporarily, Spiritually speaking.  God always has something that He wants us to do, in every season of our lives.  We are always to be a light.  But if we do not stoke the flame, then it will go out.  There is always something for us to do, so don't set up a couch there. Find out what the Heavenly Father wants you to do next!

He loves us and He has purpose for your life.  Please, don't be satisfied with anything less!!

Blessings my friend, Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Joshua Generation

In continuing to study the children in the wilderness from my last entry, I was thinking of some things that I hadn't actually thought of before. Most of the time when we think of "the children in the wilderness", we think of we think of everything that they did wrong; which was sin in the eyes of the Lord, and they suffered the consequences of those decisions. There was so much sin that God had a portion of them punished immediately for the constant and continual sins that they chose to commit. This saddens my spirit when I think of it, because if it were not for grace we would all be in the same position facing the same consequence, because sin is sin in God's eyes. Thankfully, We Have Grace! Christ provided the atonement that rescued us from our own undoing.

The amazing thing that God did that floors me when I think of it is, that He led them in the wilderness until the generation that lived this passed on and He raised up a new generation with Joshua and Caleb who would dare to believe in Him and be ready to take the land that God had promised.

This is my thought and prayer. I do not want to be counted among those who do not want to "go" where God is moving, not follow His leading, not wanting His passion for this time and season that He has for us. I want to be with the Joshua generation that says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and "We can change the world for Jesus!

Age has nothing to do with the Joshua generation that I am speaking of. [Although I am thankful for the Joshua(s) and Caleb(s) that God is raising up in our young people.] The Joshua generation that I am speaking of is anyone who has the faith to believe that God can do exactly what He has said and promised us! There is no room for routines or man-made traditions in these people. They passionately follow after the heart of our Heavenly Father and His will for every soul in this day and this hour. They follow after the Holy Spirit's leading. Never looking to the right or to the left, but always focused on the Father and His will. When we do this, we can move mountains! We can show others to Christ, we can show them His love for them.

When we choose to be in the Joshua generation, We Will Change The World!!! Never doubt my friend what God can do in you, in your daily life, in your walk with Him. He has great plans for each of our lives! When God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a plan for us, He meant it!!

I challenge you to spend some time with the Father, and ask Him to open your spiritual eyes and see what He has for you...... I promise you that when you take hold of the passion of God you will never let it go! His love is a powerful force, yet He is gentle as a lamb. and He Loves You!

Blessings my friend, Have A Great Day.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Never Let Your Fire Go Out

I have been reading lately about the instruction of the tabernacle in the wilderness; specifically the altar of sacrifice.  Explicit instructions were given about every detail of construction and maintenance of the temple; from the materials used, to how and who took care of it. Every detail. Our Heavenly Father left nothing out.

It says in Leviticus 6:12-13 NLT-“12 Meanwhile, the fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must never go out.  Each morning the priest will add fresh wood to the fire and arrange the burnt offering on it.  He will then burn the fat of the peace offerings on it.  13 Remember, the fire must be kept burning on the altar at all times. It must never go out.”

Wow. This has resonated inside of me.  Two things just grabbed a hold of my spirit. 

1)    Our fire must never go out.  As the physical fire in the temple could not go out, our spiritual fire cannot go out.  Because of Christ, We are the temple of God and our fire (passion) can never go out, never reduced to a smolder. We cannot lose sight nor the reason of our passion.  Oh how I pray you feel this like I do. Now, no one can ever tell us that we are too excited about Christ.  There isn’t anything that is more important to me ahead of my family than my relationship with the Father.  And I must stay passionate about Him!!

The other part of this instruction was this:

2)   Every morning the priest is to add fresh wood to the fire…”

Now, the priest was to add wood every morning: Who is our priest and what was His example to us?  Jesus is not only referred to as our High Priest, but He also was our example.  Follow me, I’ll show you.

Mark 1:35 NIV says: Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed…….

If the priests were instructed to “daily” add wood to the flame, and Jesus Himself got up early to pray, then we as the temple ought to do what? [Insert grin] Fuel the flame of the passion inside of us for God, by communing with Him as we begin our day!  Now I realize that life is hectic, and even if you are like me, there maybe more time in some other part of the day to spend time with God, But what a difference a few moments make in the presence of the Father at the beginning of our day!

Our days are to be lived in victory, even the days that seem to be tough, our peace and hope rests in Christ, and we are safe under the shadow of the Almighty. (Ps 91:1)

If there is one thing that I am sure of, it’s that when something is really important for us to understand or remember, God has it placed in the Bible multiple times for us to read. And He repeated multiple times that the fire was not to go out.  And we cannot afford to let our “fire” to go out”!!

So, I challenge you to spend some time with the Father. He is waiting for you, and He loves you. 

Dear Heavenly Father,

I praise and thank you for being passionate about us that you made provision and a plan for each of us.  You knew us be before we were born.  This is no one like You, Thank you for Your amazing love!  Stir up the passion and fire for You in each soul today.  Have your way, Your Kingdom come and your purpose fulfilled in the land and territories of you

Blessings Friend, Have a great day!!!