Friday, August 24, 2012

Where Are You Setting Up Your Couch

Life will have us in many seasons.  They are seasons of growing, stretching, waiting, moving, prospering, harvest, sowing and so on.  There are many seasons we will experience in our lives and the only sure thing you can count on is that there will be another season coming soon, and the season that we are in now, prepares us for the next.   There should always be a "moving mentality"(not stagnant) in a child of the Father, for He is always moving.   He never needs or takes a vacation from our situations, although I am thankful that He will give us one every once in a while.  And just on a side note, the more time we spend with Him, the less time that we feel the need to "get away" from our situations.  Just sayin'.

I know that the mental image that I just spoke of can be exhausting, just to think about it, but for a moment just think about it. Our experience in this life is always referred to by the phrase, "Christian Walk" or "Spiritual Journey".  Even, the name of this blog is "Walking With The Father".  So why in this walk do we get connected to a church, and go on this journey with the Father; do we expect to get into a routine where we do the same thing over and over, week after week.  And why when God wants to do something in us, or through us, our apple cart is completely over turned? There is nothing in God's Word which tells us that in any part of the journey, that we are to sit by and do nothing.  Even in the waiting seasons that we go through, He tells us to be still and Know that He is God.  But time in prayer goes before during and after.  So when is there a time to "want" to just coast through any situation?

My thought came to me when I was thinking about the children of Israel in the desert.  How many times have we, while going through wilderness experiences, set up a living room to get comfortable in? Maybe Expecting to stay?  I don't know if you know it or not, but there is a song that came out a long time ago called "It Didn't Come To Stay, It Came To Pass"  And since my family is in a state of waiting on the Lord, for what He has next for us, how would it look to God if I set up a couple of chairs, a couch, and a couple of end tables outside and said, "Ok God,  I'm comfortable,What do you have next?"

I mean really, what kind of faith is that?  Sure it means that I'm talking to Him, I know that He is there.  But did God tell me to create a nest in the middle of my wilderness to show that I am expecting for Him to open a door!?!

This is not what Paul had in mind when He said in Philippians 4:10-12, that in all things that He had learned to be content.  Please my friend, do not make the mistake that learning to be content means the same as setting up house somewhere that God only wants us to be temporarily, Spiritually speaking.  God always has something that He wants us to do, in every season of our lives.  We are always to be a light.  But if we do not stoke the flame, then it will go out.  There is always something for us to do, so don't set up a couch there. Find out what the Heavenly Father wants you to do next!

He loves us and He has purpose for your life.  Please, don't be satisfied with anything less!!

Blessings my friend, Have a great day!!!

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