Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Joshua Generation

In continuing to study the children in the wilderness from my last entry, I was thinking of some things that I hadn't actually thought of before. Most of the time when we think of "the children in the wilderness", we think of we think of everything that they did wrong; which was sin in the eyes of the Lord, and they suffered the consequences of those decisions. There was so much sin that God had a portion of them punished immediately for the constant and continual sins that they chose to commit. This saddens my spirit when I think of it, because if it were not for grace we would all be in the same position facing the same consequence, because sin is sin in God's eyes. Thankfully, We Have Grace! Christ provided the atonement that rescued us from our own undoing.

The amazing thing that God did that floors me when I think of it is, that He led them in the wilderness until the generation that lived this passed on and He raised up a new generation with Joshua and Caleb who would dare to believe in Him and be ready to take the land that God had promised.

This is my thought and prayer. I do not want to be counted among those who do not want to "go" where God is moving, not follow His leading, not wanting His passion for this time and season that He has for us. I want to be with the Joshua generation that says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" and "We can change the world for Jesus!

Age has nothing to do with the Joshua generation that I am speaking of. [Although I am thankful for the Joshua(s) and Caleb(s) that God is raising up in our young people.] The Joshua generation that I am speaking of is anyone who has the faith to believe that God can do exactly what He has said and promised us! There is no room for routines or man-made traditions in these people. They passionately follow after the heart of our Heavenly Father and His will for every soul in this day and this hour. They follow after the Holy Spirit's leading. Never looking to the right or to the left, but always focused on the Father and His will. When we do this, we can move mountains! We can show others to Christ, we can show them His love for them.

When we choose to be in the Joshua generation, We Will Change The World!!! Never doubt my friend what God can do in you, in your daily life, in your walk with Him. He has great plans for each of our lives! When God said in Jeremiah 29:11 that He has a plan for us, He meant it!!

I challenge you to spend some time with the Father, and ask Him to open your spiritual eyes and see what He has for you...... I promise you that when you take hold of the passion of God you will never let it go! His love is a powerful force, yet He is gentle as a lamb. and He Loves You!

Blessings my friend, Have A Great Day.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It has inspired me to continue to move on. Thank you.
