Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why & What Are You Seeking

How many times have we as christians spent a lot of our prayer life asking God to show us what it is that He wants to do in our lives?  Honestly, I can unfortunately say, a lot.  Now I realize that this is good thing to ask, but if we take a minute to evaluate our time in prayer, we will not only realize that we spend more time speaking(petitioning) than we do listening; but also that we are asking the same things over and over when our answers are in the Word. 

It's hard to for us to reconize sometimes that we want to know what God has in store for us; and if we know these things in advance, then we have by-passed our faith. But the word says that without faith it is impossible to please the Father.(Hebrews 11:6) He wants a relationship with us but as for all relationships, without trust, you have an accquaintance.  Our Heavenly Father doesn't want us to be an acquaintance.

I can speak from experience that when we are learning to pray or even deepening our relationship with Him; in the process of "seeking His will" for our lives, we spend more time "seeking" than "Being".  What do I mean by that?  I'm glad you asked!  For instance, when we except Christ as our Savior and begin this journey of life that we are always talking about, and we feel a call on our lives to do something for the Kingdom; this is a good thing.  This isn't just for those who will be nationally known and more, it is for us all. We all should feel this burning instinct inside of us like there is something that we must do. And even though we ask God to show us and guide us, we do not wait until we get the epiphany of our purpose for this life.

  In Matthew chapters  5-7, We not only have the "Sermon on the Mount" but direct instructions on how to live our daily lives.  If we are being His hands and feet, then we are being the Heavenly Father extended to others that we come in contact with.  What greater prupose could we have?  Showing God's love to others while being Him extended is the one most important opportunities that we should never pass up!  When we do this, we are a vessel that God can work through.

Just like the glass pictured above, when we fill ourselves up with His word, His love, and His purpose daily; we will, like the glass, be overflowing with Him and it will spill over onto others.  The picture above is representing the overflow of Christ to the world through us "the vessel", but water is also a symbol for the Word of God.  So why would we look for our purpose any where else but His Word?

He has a plan for us all, I promise.  And when we continually show Christ to the world, instead of wondering what we are meant to do, God will expand our territory and we will walk/step into what it is He has plan for us. 

He never leaves or forsakes us. He will make our crooked paths straight! Why? Because He is our Heavenly Father.

Have a great day friends! Blessings to you !

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