Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I Will Worship

♪♫  God You are God even when I don't feel You
       God You are God even when I don't see You
          I Will Worship   I Will Worship
     God You are God when it feels like I'm falling
     God You are God beyond my understanding
        I Will Worship  I Will Worship ♪♫

This song has been a favorite song of my for quite a while.  It came across my social media feed at exactly the time that I needed it.  Coincidence?  No, that is just like the Heavenly Father to send you what you need to encourage and lift you up, right at the moment that you need it.  And most of the time it will come from a direction that you completely didn't expect it to come from.

All of this time, that I have been saying over and over about how much the Lord loves you, have not just been words to fill up a page.  I say it over and over again because its true.  God loves you with an everlasting love.  And when the days come that things just dosen't seem right or that He is even there; in those times step up anyway and declare that He is God and that He will see you through all things.  To dare to believe in His faithfulness even though it seems that He's not there; that declaration of what you know is the very thing that will bring you victory in your situations, and usher in His Presence through all of the "haze" of those times. 

I just want you to know that if you are walking through one of those situations right now, you are not alone.  He is right there.  Sometimes the situations around you somehow seem bigger than He is. Or maybe closer than He is.  But I am here to declare that it is not true.  Believe and speak His name, declare His goodness and who He is to you, and you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit move in right there beside you. 

This song has been a life line in times that I have needed it.  And I pray that it blesses you too.
Be Encouraged!!  God who is your Heavenly Father, loves you and cares for you.... Proclaim it today in your own life and see what He will do !

Blessings Friend, Have a Great Day!!!