Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Masks We Wear

There's no such thing as perfect people

      There's no such thing as a perfect life

      So come as you are, broken and scarred

      Lift up your heart, be amazed

      And be changed by a perfect God

Have you ever listened to or read the words to this song before?  In my quest in learning more about Christ and relating His word to others, I’ve learned that we, being human, have too many masks; not always only to seem perfect, but to hide our pain.

Too many times we prefer to conceal our pain to protect ourselves rather than giving it all to the Lord who is Jehovah, our healer, provider, protector, and so much more.  In our decision to withdraw rather than draw closer to the one who loves us, our pain swells like a pressure cooker under the pressure of a mask that binds us up rather than just our perspective of protecting ourselves.  We really fool ourselves, don’t we?

But our "Abba" Father never intended the lives of His children to be lived like this.  Experiences and even “battles” we face were never supposed to be deep painful wounds that we carry around like a security blanket, the way we do.  Experiences in life was supposed to make us stronger as we learn to let our faith grow and blossom; and the word tells us that battles do not even belong to us.  The Word of God states that battles belong to God.  You can quote Him on that one.  (2 Chronicles 20:15)

So what are experiences and battles for?  Our experiences grow our faith as we learn to trust Him; and in battles, we learn the truth of God’s faithfulness as He protects and provides for us.  It’s all about His faithfulness to His children.  You know, the people that He gave everything for? 

We as His children, need to learn and realize who we really are in Him. It’s time to take our place in the family of God.  Remember, you really are His child!! We are the apple of our Father’s eye and should not envision ourselves differently, after all, He doesn't. (Insert a smile)
We are precious to Him, and we are walking a path of relationship to learn more about Him. I pray that in reading this you always want to find out more!

Dear Heavenly Father,
I thank you for loving us all so much that you sent Jesus to pay the price of our freedom and our place in the family of God.  In this season, raise up your people in the knowledge and power of who they are in you. You have been so faithful!!

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