Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Walking In Grace

This picture above is of a gift bag that I came upon in a retail store.  It's really cute, and I knew immediately of some friends who would fit this fun loving, fashion gift bag.  It would  fit them personality to a T, sweet, funny, girly.... you get the point.  We should bless our friends and loved ones gifts like this.  they should feel special and we need to make each other smile more often.  So go do it today :)

But this bag also made me think of something else.  What does walking in Grace really mean?  Grace doesn't mean that I now deserve what I want.  Nor is it a license to get what I want, whatever "that" is.  Grace is God's Unmerited Favor, meaning that there is absolutely nothing that I can do to deserve God's forgiveness everyday and every time I make a mistake.  There will never be a day that I am Holy enough to earn the Grace I receive. And there will never be a day on this earth, that I will not need His Grace in my life.

Now that is not saying that we "mess up" everyday, but it is available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days every single year that we are on this earth.  It doesn't run out.  As a child of God it is a benefit of having a Heavenly Father who loves us more than life itself.  Our relationship with Him is the most important thing to Him because we are meant for relationship, for spending time with Him.   The question is: Is it the most important thing to us?  How important is our relationship with God?

The great news is that He is not roaming back and forth in heaven looking for the "perfect" people to say, "I want that one to be my child"  No, He knew in the beginning that we would all be imperfect, but He made a provision for us before we needed it. Yes, He has always been ready to love imperfect people, and provided the solution before the problem of imperfection arose.

And in saying that, the focus cannot be on our imperfections, but it should always be focused on the truth of God's Grace and Mercy.  Why you might ask?  Because we can not be a people who only focus on our problems or someone else's faults, because that doesn't solve any problem.  But when we shine the light  on God's Mercy and Grace, others will see that it is available to them as well.   The Word tells us that He came to seek and save those who are lost. (Matthew 18:11; Luke 19:10)  Letting others know that His Grace and and Mercy is for us all, that should be our focus, with a thankful heart daily knowing that we will always need it ourselves as well.

This is what Grace and Mercy Looks like....

Have a great Day my friend..... Be Blessed In Jesus Name,  Because He loves and cares for you !

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