Has a season in your life seem to start out like this?
The truth is that we will have more than one season that will seem to be or even be uncertain. It could be at the beginning of a situation or right in the middle. It could be any number of life experiences: finances, relationships and any character building issue that we will ever walk through. These situations will happen to us all, at some point in time. But when we have Christ in our lives, these situations do not have to frighten us.

When we walk down our life's path, that place can become frightening. But with Jesus we can see through the fogginess of life and begin to view the color and splendor of the things around us. We will not only see the grey, bleek existance or situation. Pain and fear of situations are very real emotions that we must acknowledge and replace it with the truth of God's word. It says in Phillipians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Our Heavenly Father can complete a work in us that we can not do alone.
Proverbs 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes,
it is a tree of life. So you see we are always to keep our hope and trust in Him and not ourselves. It is our Hope and Trust in God that will get us through ever situation. Everytime without fail. His love never fails, but it will when we our focus off Him and back to our situations. Our eyes must stay on the only source of strength that we have. He is our strength!

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