What is our real vision of
Jesus? Is it only the Hollywood image
that we all have seen? Even though it
has been a huge evangelistic tool, there is so much more that we can learn of
Him. I am currently re-reading a book that has quickly become my favorite. And though I am not a book editor, if
learning to understand the life of Jesus more is something that is appealing to
you, then this book will captivate you.
It’s entitled, Sitting At The Feet Of Rabbi Jesus by Ann Spangler and Lois Tverberg. Every time that I pick this book up, I get something else out of it. I love learning anything that will help me understand the scriptures more. When I opened the book up (this time), I was reading a section that spoke of what the Jewish people were looking for.
This is what caught my
attention. “Remember that the Jewish people longed for a Messiah, a deliverer, who
would be like Moses. Many of Jesus
contemporaries were looking for a new Moses to deliver them from their Roman

When I read this, I wondered, how many times do we think we have it all figured out on how God is going to work things out for us? We, like the Jewish people, think that God will deliver us like He did the before. We automatically put God in restraints or in a box, when our faith only sees what God did “the last time”. God is God, and He can do anything. He can work things out for our good anyway He chooses.

When I read this, I wondered, how many times do we think we have it all figured out on how God is going to work things out for us? We, like the Jewish people, think that God will deliver us like He did the before. We automatically put God in restraints or in a box, when our faith only sees what God did “the last time”. God is God, and He can do anything. He can work things out for our good anyway He chooses.
When Jesus didn’t come onto the
scene making demands of their Roman oppressors, did not turn a staff into a serpent, did not
bring the plagues to torment to their oppressors, and did not send the death angel; that meant that
Jesus could not be the Messiah, right?
Now granted there was more to these events, but don’t we do the same thing
sometimes, Thinking that if God didn't do something the way we wanted or thought He would do?

God is Sovereign. He sees our end from our beginning, and nothing surprises Him. It says in Isaiah 5:8, that our thoughts and ways are not like God’s. We are never going to figure it all out. So why do we continue to assume we do or will? Well, we are back to the trust issue. If we completely and honestly trust Him, that means we give it completely over to Him, wait on Him, and let God take care of it! If we trust Him then we won't need to figure it out.
When we realize that in Jeremiah 29:11,
God said that He had a plan for us from the beginning, He meant it! Am I the only one who has to remind myself that I know this? During difficult times, I've found that memorizing scriptures that relate to my particular challenge gives those verses more meaning. So I challenge you to have purpose in what you learn. Jesus was our example, and He had a purpose
for everything!
Our Heavenly Father has a plan for
us. Nothing that we are going through surprises
Him. So aren’t we safe in the Shadow of
the Almighty? (Ps 91:1)
Dear Abba Father,
I thank You that You know our beginning from our end. You know everything that we will go through, and we acknowledge that You hold our answers. We invite You to show up on our behalf any way You see fit; so help us to have courage to trust You more than ever before. To You alone, we give the Praise, Honor and Glory. Amen.
And P.S.I thank You that You know our beginning from our end. You know everything that we will go through, and we acknowledge that You hold our answers. We invite You to show up on our behalf any way You see fit; so help us to have courage to trust You more than ever before. To You alone, we give the Praise, Honor and Glory. Amen.
God, I trust you.
Well, Are you with me? Blessings my friends, Have a great day !
Great word! Thank you my friend. And it reminded me that the Lord doesn't always to the same thing twice. His ways are endless and we have to trust! ~Amy~
ReplyDeleteua preachin woman !!
ReplyDeleteLove Ya