This scripture above never gets old to me. Why? Well, I am glad you asked.
There are so many times in life that I have questioned myself in the past. Questions like: Am I good enough? The truth is there is nothing that we can do in our own strength that we could "earn" God's love and His blessings that come to us.
God's love is not earned, it is given simply because we have asked Jesus Christ into our hearts, thus we become children of God. We live in a world of extreme expectations; And though there are Godly standards or principles to live by, there also pressures to become like everyone else, do what they are doing, buy what they are buying.
This is why we need to daily stay in the Word of God, "renewing our mind" as in Rom 12:2. When we read and reflect over what He says about us, what He did for us, and how He IS with us everyday; then the truth of our relationship takes root inside of us, and from there it can truly begin to grow.
God loves us. He Truly Loves Us! His Word says that He takes great delight over us and will rejoice over us with singing. I do not know about you, but I am one who loves singing and good music. But I do not know anyone that I would rather sing over me than my Abba. My Heavenly Father. He is so good!
So matter what situations are before you, know that God cares about you first, and is also there to help you with whatever it is that is on your heart. He cares for you so much that He paid the price for your freedom, before you were ever born. He knows you so well that he cares about the things that you care about. His Word says, that He will never leave you or forsake you, and that He is closer than any brother.
Never give up on your relationship with Abba. Never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or that your life can never change for the better. God's says the opposite and His Word is truth.
Never give up on your relationship with Abba. Never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough or that your life can never change for the better. God's says the opposite and His Word is truth.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We thank you and bless Your Name today. I pray today for each person that reads this and needs a touch from you. I thank you for Your presence to be made known and active in each life and territory today. Where trouble abounds Father, You and Your grace and mercy much more abounds. Be glorified in each of our lives today, and may Your Glory be made known in every life.
In Jesus Name. - Amen
It's a good day for a new outlook and even a new start. God is with you, and He is waiting on you! Have a Great Day Friends.
It's a good day for a new outlook and even a new start. God is with you, and He is waiting on you! Have a Great Day Friends.