Thursday, June 28, 2012

Learning To Be Content..... Can We Do It?


In the last few weeks I have had a few topics on my mind.  And they must have been from God, because now my family and I are presently walking through them. God really does always have a purpose and sense of humor!

For now our family is re-visiting “being content, no matter what situation” that Paul spoke of in Philippians 4.  We have had to wait on the Lord more than once, and God has always provided; so we could sit down with a cup of coffee and speak of faith in God and His provision all day long.  No problem.
This time God put a little spin on the situation. Not only is my family waiting for God to open the door that He chooses, but the situation is a little more “uncomfortable” and God is asking, “Are you still content to wait on me?”
Now knowing that God doesn’t tempt us, He does give us opportunity to believe in Him for a miracle.  Our youngest daughter is proof of this. So, while we have been waiting on the Lord, it has been deep in my spirit about just how content are we really willing to be, even though we already have the knowledge that God WILL see us through every situation?

When we walk through those seasons of tough experiences, there seems to be something in the back of our minds that questions, “Are we really going to make it through it this time?” or “I don’t see a way out of this.” 

God knows this, and He wasn’t surprised when the man said in Mark 9:23-25, “Lord I believe, but help my unbelief!” That example in Mark shows that our faith may start as the size of a mustard seed, but there will always be opportunity to grow.  And as our faith grows, Paul speaks of learning to be content as the Lord is at work in our lives.

Paul says in Philippians 4:11-13 (NIV) “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

We always quote verse 13.  We say it all the time. But we forget why Paul could make this declaration.  The reason why is, that Paul had walked a path with Heavenly Father so closely, that he knew no matter what he would face, he would never face it alone. And when the Word says that He (our Heavenly Father) will work all things out for our good; Paul knew that it was true. He had experienced this and knew that our experiences are temporary. God always has a plan.

So as our family stands, waiting on God to open His door of opportunity, we will wait with the knowledge that God will always come through so that we will have a testimony of His goodness in our lives. We will be content until then.  But as we wait, I want to encourage you to believe in the only One who will deliver you out of your personal situation; the only One who will see you through to the end of your season, bringing you into the next.

He is Faithful, and He loves you; He sees everything that concerns you. Nothing escapes Him, and better yet, Our Heavenly Father has the solution.  Trust Him today; I promise, it will be worth it!!! And then you can share with someone else, the goodness of God in your life.  You were meant to share with others, so that means, you have a story to tell !!

Blessings friends, Have a great day!

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Word From Jude: How To Build Our Spirit Man Up

Not too long ago our family had a short span of days where due to a certain event in our lives, things were just completely chaotic.  It seemed like there was no end.  Every day was a wave of emotion from the situation, which could have completely been destructive if anyone would have acted on our emotions, which is never a good thing.

At the end of this frame of time, I looked back and wondered why I had been so distressed and perplexed?  Why was it so obvious that the experience of the days prior to my moral inventory were so huge that they border lined panic stage?

Well, for one, I had gone all of those days not spending any time with the Father.  And while evaluating and inspecting my own fruit, I found that I had been praying, but it was the “Help me Oh Lord” and not the kind of time where there was actually a dialog with Him, so He could say “Sit quietly with me, and let me talk to you a while”.  There was no reading scripture that would build up my Spirit man, my soul.

So basically, I let the chaotic days upset my apple cart instead of going to the Father who alone gives me strength and peace.  Really?  Don’t I know better by now?  I do.  We all do.  Sometimes, we can get caught up in our situations; and not let God have it so that He can “work things out for our good"!!!! (Romans 8:28)
Then I came across the scripture in Jude that stuck out to me like a flashing neon sign.  Jude was referring to the troubling times before Christ’s return, but what he said should be done over and over in our walk with Christ, through every experience.

In the Message Bible, in Jude 1:20-21 says this:

But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in the most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ.  This is the unending life, the real life!

So, there it is plain and simple.  We must take the time to spend time in the word and with the Father, so that we will be comforted, strengthen and confident in our faith.  There is no substitution.  None.  A relationship of any kind will be cultivated in order to grow.  And because of this fact, our relationship with our Heavenly Father needs that same kind of attention.

Don’t let life’s events create chaos in your spirit.  Take it all to the Father, He wants to take all of our cares and carry them for us.  And He always creates a better outcome than we will.  Every time.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for each soul that is reading this today. I praise You for Your faithfulness to each of us daily; always there to comfort and guide us.  May a passion for your presence daily, transform us more to Your likeness and live out Your strength within us.
In Jesus Name,

Blessings friends. Have a great day!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Search For Perfection


Several weeks ago, our youngest daughter was so excited because her ballet recital was quickly approaching…. She had three costumes, for three performances plus a special Finale performance that she was VERY excited about.

 Now, when we lived in Florida previously, I gleamed from my brother’s wisdom, who is a professor in the Arts. So when he suggested the dance school that we enrolled her in, it wasn’t about a social aspect of “who was the best”.  To him, and us, it was about who would teach her the correct steps, positions, and other basics of dance.  One, was for her safety, and the other was so that if she decided to take it further, she would not be wasting time unlearning incorrect habits and then having to learn the correct ones, which would slow her down in her progression. (I hear another lesson in that sentence)

I grew very accustomed to the standard that was taught during that time.  So, when we moved away, we knew that we wasn’t going to be there forever, and sometimes our decisions are framed around our circumstances; because one season in our lives is not like the other. We knew for that time, that it was more important to keep a sense of stability in the girl’s lives, than it was to search all over for the “best” dance school.  We were blessed to have a good one close to us. 

Here comes the problem that was in me, if I can be simply honest. When it came time for the dress rehearsal, I dreaded it.  I didn’t have a real reason why, but I did.  I found myself comparing every single thing that was done that night to the dance school in Florida.  Now mind you, I didn’t say anything, but my critical thinking was in over drive!  So my own thoughts toward this performance that she was going to give was not encouraging at all, and encouraging was exactly what I was supposed to be as a parent right now.  So I wrestled with my critical thoughts for two days until the performance.  The next thing that happened surprised me.

All during those performances, as usual if you have ever been to one, there was a countless number of beautiful little girls in their costumes, from toddlers to Seniors in High School.  And while the little ones were performing, sitting there quietly, I realized that you couldn’t help but smile and cheer them on, no matter how well they remembered the steps, or didn’t.  It didn’t matter.  They were up there, doing the best they could to make their parents proud and at the same time, learning to carry through with what they doing, perfect or not. 

God at that moment spoke to my spirit so clearly, and showed me that I had spent too much of my own life wasting it on the pursuit of perfection, and punishing myself when there was a lack, which has been often.  I had missed out on too many happy moments, constantly judging myself of constant failures, setting a standard in some areas that I could never reach….. I had been completely out of balance.

Now the Bible tells us that anything we do, we are to do it with all our might (Ecc.9:10) and that anything that we do, we should do with excellence, meaning with integrity and doing the best in our ability.  But, much too often, the intention that God has for us, we will pull it apart and make something else out of it; something that He never intended it to be.

I pray that not everyone that is reading this is just like me in this situation.  But we all have had failures and victories. Some things we did right, and some we didn’t.  But we have a Heavenly Father who knew this from the beginning.  He understands better than we do that we are not perfect, and never will be in this life.  That is why there are seasons that we will go through everything we need, to get us where we are going to be.

Remember that God loves us through every situation, walking with us, guiding us, to the next season in our lives. There is always a plan, there’s always a purpose. Even though we do not see it, we will one day understand it.  He will show us that there is something for each of us to do in our lives that will help someone else.  The most important thing to remember while walking this path is that we have a Heavenly Father who is cheering us on, and is not being critical of every move and mistake. He is forgiving and loving.  And believe me when I say, that He is proud of us!

How we thank you and praise your for every season in our lives, the good and the difficult.  Because You are with us, We can do anything and everything that you have planned for us.  We choose to trust Your plan for us, Remind us of the strength and wisdom that You give to to walk this path out .
We choose to trust you more!

In Jesus Name

Have a great day Friend.  We will keep walking this journey together, and we will never be alone……. He’s walking with us!!  Blessings!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Peace After The Storm


We have all heard sermons and inspirational quotes about trusting God through the middle of the storm; having peace in the middle of the storm;  And finding Christ in the middle of the storm…….. All of these statements are true and full of what we need for our faith to grow.
This picture was taken by my husband a few days ago after a rain storm….. The sky line was so beautiful and the lake was so peaceful that it was actually somewhat overwhelming to take in at that moment.
I looked out over the water, and begin thinking about after the storm.  I realized that most of the time in our physical and spiritual walk that we will pray for blessings from God.  We prefer blessings rather than experiences with God, not just because it is easier, but mostly because we are afraid of any amount of pain.  Our natural man will always be this way.  But when we spend our efforts avoiding anything that seems to hard, we rob ourselves of many things.  I know this sounds “traditional“ but it’s true.  Think about it:
 *One, we would never know that God is all we need until we REALLY need Him
 *Two, we would not understand God’s faithfulness, until we have walked with Him
* Three, we would never know the peace that we can have once we have dared to believe in God, then we actually can see Him bring us through the storm,  all the way to the end and we then realize that we actually are safe!  
I wish I could have spoken to Peter AFTER he walked on the water to Jesus. (Matt 14:29)  I would love to know what He was thinking.  What he said to the other disciples, if he could speak at all.  Have you ever thought about it?  I know that I have never actually walked on water, but at times when God has brought us through to a miracle, I felt like I could !!    And that is the thought.  We can not just take comfort in knowing that when we are the middle of a storm, He will always meet us there.  He will take us through it and at the end will know His peace and provision!
So I challenge you to trust HIM more, all the way to the end of the experience.  
He never fails us !!                Blessings my friend,  Have a great day.

Monday, June 11, 2012

In The Secret Place

God dwells in us as Christians.  But the place where we meet Him is dramatically transforming for us! We are told we should pray, we are taught and instructed in the Word how to pray, We are even commanded to pray. But there is an element of prayer that is both dynamic and often missed.  It is the point where a Huge, Holy and Righteous God wants to softly say "come sit and talk with me a while"  ......

When that one truth is really REAL to us, our whole outlook on the "duty" of prayer changes.  Its not just something that we are instructed to do, should do, or even "ought" to do.  It is a place that we will desire to go, want to be and often at times NEED to be.  A place that we find will become a safe haven.  A refreshing place.

Psalms 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide in the Shadow of the Almighty."  This verse isn't talking about prayer in a legalistic view.  It's giving us an insider's view of the truth that we sometimes go much to long without discovering. That prayer is the place where our life completely changes.  The more time we spend with Him, the more we become "like" Him.  The more time that we take to sit and listen to Him, to just be in His presence; the more the rest of  Ps. 91 begins to take shape, understanding it's truth.

Something I have noticed is, that we obviously must read our Bibles, but many times we have to put our Bibles down, try out what it says, then go back and read it again.  Sometimes, words on a page, are just words on a page.  It's not until we attempt to put it into action that it actually means something to us!  Do you know what I mean?

When we read Ps 91:1 it sounds so strange, foreign, mysterious and to someone who hasn't gone to church all their life, just completely ridiculous.  To go and talk to a God that I can not see, isn't the most logical thing that someone would tell them to do!  And then there are those of us who have gone to church for a long time and try to live this "christian life" only by the sermon that the Pastor delivers on Sunday mornings.

  I don't know about you, but in school, college,and continuing education seminars, I have heard a  lot of lectures and speeches on topics that years later, I do not remember. Why is that?  Because either I haven't put that speech or thought into motion, or I didn't have a passion about that subject, or both!  I pray my friend, that I am sharing this in a way that you realize the power you have in understanding the basic principles of Walking with a Heavenly Father, who loves us with a love that we can not fathom...... until, that is, we begin to search it out!

When we get somewhere by ourselves, quiet our minds, ask God to show us who He is and what He has for us, Then we will realize that He wants to sit and talk with us.  That He will speak to us when we read His word.  Can I tell you that the ball is always in our court in this situation? God will not bust down our door to show us that He is wanting to reveal His presence and His ways.  He waits on us to invite Him in, because He has already opened a door of invitation for us through Christ..... the greatest invitation of all.

So today I challenge you to go to Psalms 91 no matter what version or technological device that you are blessed to use and read it, sit your Bible down and ask God to show Himself to you, give Him some of your time.  Then, go back and read it again and see if the other verses do not begin to take on a fresh meaning for you.  When we realize that He wants to spend time with us and that it is a safe and peaceful place, then when you read in verse 2 about him being our refuge and fortress, that we can trust Him...... that place of prayer becomes inviting and we will definitely want to be there more!

You have nothing to lose by trying this relationship with God; But you have everything to lose if you do not. Give Him a try...  He is there waiting on you.   Have a Blessed day friend !

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's All about Timing

It is amazing how timing affects everything that we do.  It makes a good thing wrong, or it can make it right.  I have many times been on both sides of this truth; and looking back now, I can see that even though we thought that we "knew" it all; even though we actually made some right decisions when others didn't, there was always this element of timing that sometimes escapes young adulthood. 

How many times have we all looked back and remembered something that we wished we had done differently?  I can remember that I, like others have said " I would only go back if I could know then what I know now"  In Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that there is a season for everything.  And through vs 8 He names most of the things that we will experience.  Even in naming the "good and the bad" things in life, He has a season for each. I guess that leaves room for life not being perfect too? Thankfully !

So once we realize this, what is next?  Prov 1:7 and Prov 9:10 (Amp) says, "A reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge."  I believe that once we grow up and stop "doing" everything that we think we should do (in other people's eyes), what we want, and all around stop doing what everyone else is doing; We can then step back and take a look and see just how awesome God really is. 

You know what it's like to meet someone and think "Wow, they are really fun people, I'd like to get to know them"  and before you know it you have made some pretty incredible friends...... Well my friend, God is sitting back and waiting on us to see Him that way.... the cool thing is, He is content to give us time to try and figure life out, knowing that we will realize He is there.  He does this because He wants our relationship to be not only engaged by us, but for us to realize that He loves us enough to take care of us and that we want a relationship in return.

Isn't that amazing !! As a parent, I've spent time making sure that our children do the things that they should, so that they will know the difference of right and wrong when they are on their own.  I look back and know that God has set up times and seasons of learning so that one day I would get it right, and reflect His heart day after day, knowing that a real relationship with Him is the most treasured thing above my family that I could ever have...... again, He is so amazing to me !

When you read on down Ecclesiastes 3 NIV,  vs.11a it says this: "He has made everything beautiful in its time.  He has set eternity in the human heart" ...... It is such a comfort to know that we will not always get it right, but that there is a season for that ...... Failure is not the end, but a lesson.  As soon as we look at life like this, the sooner we will learn to enjoy the journey.  This is why I started this blog.  I want others to learn to enjoy the journey because we can see that there is always hope in Christ !

Blessings my friends..... Enjoy your day !

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Starting The Journey

For a long while now, God has put a passion in me about "growing up" in Christ, which is a journey that we will never arrive. We will always be growing, or not. (Our Choice)

 Then it seemed like that the desire of growing and seeing others grow became a journey itself; and of course, no journey is complete without someone to walk it with.  Physically in life, I can not imagine having to live without Dwayne and the girls.  It just doesn't seem right to think of it any differently.  My walk with God is the same thing, only it's a stronger feeling..... Living without Him just isn't an option.

The only thing about that thought is, it doesn't stop there..... If you say, "I can not live without my Heavenly Father"  It's a nice sentiment; but it can not stay there.  If we do, our relationship with Him will become stagnant very quickly, and before we know it, we wonder if we ever really had a relationship at all. 

So with this in mind I have intentionally wanted and asked God to help me to not only see the words of the Bible in a new light, but fresh and new.  In this journey, God has also planted a desire in me..... I want to learn more...... a lot more; but in this desire, God deposited something else that I didn't really expect at all until I actually said these words myself.  "There's no real point in learning the things of God and keeping it to yourself. The things of God are to be sought out and shared. Hence, in walking this journey, we are to take others with us !"

So, here we are.  Although I am not completely sure about this "blogging thing", I know that I have to do something before I explode, spiritually speaking.  I have no big dreams about what this blog will be.  I can tell you that I have no intention of it becoming an online Bible study or any "real" agenda.  I will only share what I have learned about our journey with Christ, be it from an experience, something that has inspired me in general, or something that I read from the Bible that has really gotten a hold of me, which seems to be happening often.

So here is the invitation..... Walk with me.  Let's find out together what God has for us.  The one thing I can promise is that we haven't even scratched the surface of what He really wants us to have. So let's get walking.